The official organization of the Republican Party in Wicomico County is the Wicomico County Republican Central Committee which speaks on behalf of the party in the county, promotes the principles of the national Republican Party as set forth in the platform adopted at the party’s most recent national convention, and recruits and supports Republican candidates for public office. The Central Committee is committed to building a grassroots infrastructure that benefits Republican candidates for county, state and national office and is actively engaged in sponsoring events for residents to engage with prominent conservative leaders.
The WCRCC consists of 9 Republicans elected for four year terms on the Republican primary ballot in Gubernatorial election years. When elected, members of the WCRCC also become members of the Maryland State Republican Central Committee. When vacancies occur between election years on the Wicomico County Republican Central Committee, a public announcement soliciting candidates is made, candidates are interviewed by WCRCC leaders, and members are elected by vote of the Committee, as specified in its bylaws. All WCRCC members and leaders are volunteers who serve without compensation.